Your savvy research assistant is here. Check out Poocho Studio.
About Poocho
Poocho was born out of a continual problem one of the team’s founders faced while doing consultancy work in 2016. Finding the right people was the biggest variable impacting project timelines. The only solution was hustle to find the first few good people. And then pray for referrals to work their magic.
Fast forward to 2020 when the foundation for Poocho’s research agency arm was set up in Mumbai, India. The team spent the next three years listening to what brand and product researchers wanted when it came to finding “the right person” to talk to. Our engineers got to work and in 2024 the Poocho product was born!
From the get go, our mission has been to make the platform dead simple for anyone to use and reuse. From first time founders to mid-career designers and marketers to freelance researchers, anyone and everyone now has the opportunity to directly connect with trustworthy consumers and users for insights and information.
Smoke House Deli, part of the Impresario chain of restaurants, wanted to get in the minds of its Mumbai customers in order to better service them. We used personas to decode what makes their brand tick and how Smoke House can attract more future loyalists.
Caratlane, a major player in the lightweight gold jewellery category enlisted our help to unpack the cultural nuances behind women and jewellery-buying in two culturally distinct Indian cities.